Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Type 2 - Journal 1

Chip Kidd is an author and graphic designer. In 2007 he was awarded the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award for one of his book covers. He is important because he has created over 1,000 innovative book covers. He designs book covers that look good, as well as have a mass appeal.

John Gall is the Art Director for Vintage and Anchor Books, a publishing group within Random House. He uses simple, but elegant typography on his book covers. He uses collages, photos, typography and art in many of his book covers, which are unique from the many other books on the shelf.

The title of Confessions of a Shopaholic is written on a price tag, a reference to shopping.

The cover of How to Talk to Girls is all typography except for the heart that is encompassed by a speech bubble. This gives the impression that the book is about how to find love. 

On the bottom of the cover of Flat Belly Diet there is a tape measure. This is an index of weightloss, which the book will be about.

Series - A sequence of books that share common characteristics and are identified as a group. Harry Potter is an example of a series.

Sequence - An ordered list of objects or events. The order in which a series of books is meant to be read.

A sign can be identified as 1 of 3 categories: icon, index or symbol. Each relates to their object in a different way; icons have specific properties in common with their objects, indexes are directly influenced by their objects and symbols have a convention-based relationships with their objects.

An icon is a pattern that physically resembles what it stands for. Such as the symbol of the woman and man that represent the restroom.
An index either correlates with or points to something. For example a dog bone would reference a dog.
Symbols can either be categorized as word symbols or nonword symbols. Word symbols such as the word peace, are usually just the word. While nonword symbols are a picture that represents a word, such as the dove, which represents peace.

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